Turning ‘Big Data’ into ‘Big Ideas’
Traditionally marketing decisions have been based on intuition, years of experience and detailed research. This has been the norm for many years … BUT now with the advent of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, there are new tools to enhance decision making and creative excellence beyond the norm. Welcome to our realm of Ad Tech.
No matter what type of digital marketing report you need to create, we’re connected to over 34 of the most commonly used digital marketing tools out there. Instant reporting all in one dashboard. Now that’s cool.
We can gather and analyse information faster than traditional research methods thanks to our web scraping tools. Our methodology is ethical and compliant. The key metrics we look at in particular are Competitor & Market Analysis together with Sentiment and Social Media analysis. We term this Advertising intelligence; all of which gives our clients the competitive edge.
Being a next gen agency we have aligned ourselves with key marketing technology partners to provide the latest and best-of-breed marketing innovation over and beyond what every other agency is doing.